List of Location-based Services for Infectious Disease Control
Currently, location-based countermeasures against infectious diseases are being promoted in many countries around the world. In this page, we have collected and listed websites and news reports of such countermeasures to help research on location-based countermeasures. Please feel free to use it and help us compile the list.
If you have any comments or requests, please fill out the form here.
Also, the hashtag of this list is #PLOD_S_List, please use it for comments on SNS!
Please contact us at plod_info [at] if you would like to help us create a list.
また、このリストのハッシュタグは #PLOD_S_List です。SNSでのコメント等にご利用ください!
リスト作成にご協力いただける方はplod_info [at] までご連絡ください。